Monday, August 27, 2007

Menu Monday- Ramen Noodle Stir Fry

Okay we are on a strict budget here, today I found out that I will lose $345 of monthly income, thanks to fundign cuts...errr! So have to tighten up the budget even more!

So here is another cheap recipe that we use when things are lean

Ramen Noodle Chicken StirFry

First I buy chicken breasts in bulk( I can often get 8 on sale for less then $12) One breast is good for one meal for me and Roo

So Chicken enough for your family
2 pkgs for RAmen noodles ( we sue 1)
Frozen chineese veggies( for us about 2 cups worth)
Seasoning mix(from Noodle pac)
We heat skillet add wee bit of oil, and brown our chicken, add in spices and a wee bit of liquid( this changes all the time in my house ie water, orange juice, soya sauce, etc..), add frozen veggies and add the noodles last..simmer and cook to your families liking..It is fast and it is cheap and that is what matters here!

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